
Showing posts from May, 2018

MAMBA Equivalent hLives

Collaborativity h-actions

hcollective Concurrency

Emulated h-aggregates

Semiotic tags STD

Network broker xy

Network flow map


State: Zero and One




Atom & Compound

Concepts : Car parts

Scale agnostic  symmetry: Patterns class and other abstract patterns will act the same way on all levels of the architecture. Examples of patterns: Identity Nullability Sums & Products Concept Atom & Compound  Sequence Current Temporal State State zero State one Attributes Relationships Concepts, attributes and relationships are all you need.  The rest is just boilerplate for the hypergraph. Example: Network flow map as a concept Example: Network broker xy as a concept Example: Semiotic tags STD as a concept Example: Emulated h-aggregates concept Example: Concurrency hcollective concept Example: Collaborativity h-actions concept Example: MAMBA Equivalent hLives concept Contexts Patterns + Contexts -> Turing Completeness ie every problem that can be computed can be computed as patterns and contexts on concepts